Frequently Asked Questions
How do I reset the Web Console Password
For Windows Users:
To change the password, you'll need to change an entry in the ZenGuardian database on the system running ZenGuardian. This is done using sqlite3.exe in the zenguardian home>\lib\sqlite\ directory.
C:\Program Files\CSS\ZenGuardian\data>c:\"program files\css\zenguardian\lib\sqlite\sqlite3.exe" sgclient.db "insert or replace into SG_USER value s (1,1,'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3');"
This will change the password to admin now you can log into the web interface and change the password.
To change the password, you'll need to change an entry in the ZenGuardian database on the system running ZenGuardian. This is done using sqlite3.exe in the zenguardian home>\lib\sqlite\ directory.
- Find the directory where ZenGuardian is stored. Default is C:\Program Files\CSS\ZenGuardian\data
(If your installation is in a different location adjust the path as necessary) - Open a command prompt (windows key + r, and type CMD in the box and press enter)
- cd to c:\program files\css\zenguardian\data
- Paste this command, (as a single line)
C:\Program Files\CSS\ZenGuardian\data>c:\"program files\css\zenguardian\lib\sqlite\sqlite3.exe" sgclient.db "insert or replace into SG_USER value s (1,1,'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3');"
This will change the password to admin now you can log into the web interface and change the password.
Last updated Wed, Sep 17 2014 9:51am